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Anyplace other than Page #1 of search results is a Bad Location

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Anywhere other than page #1 is a Bad Location.

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Choosing the right SEO company

The success of your business is on the line, and your competitors are hard at work against you in order to get visibility in the organic search engine results.

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Yogo Seo is an exceptional boutique SEO agency here in the north-west, and as owner and head of SEO, I am committed to offering only the highest quality service to my clients.
Yogo SEO only works with a limited number of clients at any given time to ensure each one is served promptly and with excellence.


We give your business high visibility by dominating search engine rankings, making it easy for customers to find you.

When it comes to selecting a good SEO company, there are a few things you should consider. 

Here are several pointers that will help you choose a professional SEO provider.

Your company size:

The SEO company should offer different prices for large and small businesses. Often times the cost of SEO is determined by the difficulty of ranking a particular search term. There should not be a one size fits all formula for every business. After all, if you do the same thing as everyone else, your content will likely be ineffective and remain hidden from your customers.

Keyword optimization:

How your keywords are optimized is a critical part of the ranking method. Search engine crawlers rank your website pages based on how relevant your content is to a consumer during a keyword search. At Yogo SEO, we analyze your content and determine the keywords you are currently ranking for. We then optimize your site and suggest alternative keywords that will increase your page rank and your traffic.

Customer service:

When you work with an SEO company you want to know they will respond to questions and concerns. It is even better if the company anticipates your questions and gives you a clear set of expectations prior to being hired.

Hire a professional service:

Your “time is money” as the saying goes, so choose an SEO company that gathers all of the critical data required from you so that they can do their job efficiently. The company you choose needs to save you time by delivering work within a specified period. You don't want to be on the phone every day holding the hand of an unprepared agency. You want a professional that you can rely on to get the job done.

Pay for quality:

Search engine optimization is a very complex multi-variant system that requires a lot of hard work to develop strategies and search for keywords with good traffic and low competition. You should not expect to pay the bargain basement price for exceptional service, you will get what you pay for. Your SEO professional should explain the reason for their prices and stand behind their work.

Strategies for linking:

Make sure your SEO company has a plan for both on-page and off-page SEO. They should be working to develop a linking strategy and understand how this will affect search engine rankings. The company you choose should perform a detailed analysis of the linking structure on your website, and then show you how it can be improved.

Know that the end isn’t always the end:

One reason businesses choose Yogo SEO is that we consistently fulfill our obligations. Make sure you understand that the Internet is a constantly changing landscape. Running one search engine optimization campaign can benefit you. Maintaining a consistent search engine optimization strategy for growth over the long term will be much better. It's similar to building a fortress, then digging a large moat, and filling it with fire-breathing dragons. When it comes to doing business on the Internet it’s always nice to have a few fire-breathing dragons.

We hope these pointers help guide you to choosing the best search engine optimization company. And of course, Yogo SEO should be on the top of your list in our humble assessment.

Please know, that if your website is not on the first page of the search engine results for your business, then your competitors who are ranking ahead of you will be reaping the benefit of that position. More than ever local companies need to focus on search engine optimization. The phone book and Yellow Pages are no longer used. As you look around you see a smartphone in the hand of virtually every person and this is the tool people are using to find their products and services.


Yogo SEO can help you get your website optimized for mobile phones and found on Google so you can begin to dominate your competition. We provide a no risk video analysis of your website, that includes an honest assessment and recommendations for improvements to your business. Call us at 406-350-9339, or simply click the Button below.

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If you are inquiring about our services or just want more information, the first step is to Get a FREE Website Analysis. We are experts at finding critical website changes that grow traffic to your website. More traffic leads to more revenue.